Do You Feel That?

Giving ourselves permission to heal can help us see what is real. What is it that we are truly feeling? When we ask this, we start to give meaning to our feelings and emotions. The why behind the cry, the anger, the out rage, the numbness, the silence.

When we do this we get to the root of it. We name it! Name the feelings, the emotions and then we can claim the why. Once we do this, we can give ourselves time to feel what is real and true so we can begin to change it and transmute it!

We can walk around with a cloud of doubt, disappointment, dissatisfaction, uncertainty but we don’t know why or where it is originating. When we initially name the feelings and emotions and claim the reasons behind them, we can change our response. We can then start to learn how to dance with these feelings and emotions when they come creeping in at different times in our lives. These feelings and emotions will no longer be the burden that they once were, they can become the nagging friends in our head that allow us to know that they are there, and if we choose to acknowledge them with ease and swiftness they will not linger the way they once did or stop us from continuing to keep dancing.

If you are ready to name it, claim it and begin to change it, leave a comment below!